My Day At The Beach

Tips for a Perfect Beach Day

My Day At The Beach full of Ideas.

1 - My Day At The Beach starts like this-wake up early to make sure you get the best spot on the beach:

Especially if it is a weekend, you should get up early to prepare everything and leave the house in time to get a fantastic spot in the sand. In the afternoon the beaches start to get crowded and lose their place in the sun!


2 - Start preparing the groceries:

- Put the umbrella and windshield by the door, so you don't forget about them when you leave. They will be essential for a full day at the beach. They serve to protect you from the sun in the hottest hours and to place the food underneath to keep you cooler and of course, to cover the wind. A beach chair, while not indispensable, can work. Since you will spend many hours in the sand gives you extra comfort.

- Bread, nuts, preserves, fruits and vegetables are the ingredients for your "Beach" dining menu! Prepare everything on the same day, and you will see that they will withstand the heat without spoiling. Then wrap what you prepared in cling paper or aluminium foil, or put it in airtight boxes. Then get everything on the glacier! One tip: choose to take whole, unpeeled or sliced ​​fruits - they are less easily damaged.

 Water is life. It is essential to stay hydrated on the beach. That's why water never hurts. Put a pint or two bottles on the glacier to cool down and drink throughout the day. Especially if you exercise at the beach, be sure to drink fluids.

My Day At The Beach

My Day At The Beach

3 - After the menu is prepared and stored in the glacier, it is time to "prepare" yourself:

- Put on sunscreen while you are still at home. Use factor higher than 30 to ensure it is protected. The sunscreen begins to work 20 minutes after it you put on, so you have time to reach the beach.

- Bring a hat to protect the back of your neck and opt for a light, fresh and light-coloured outfit.


4 - Finally, pack the bag to leave:

 Choose a bag that can fit the number of things you want to take with you. Please note the following items:

1) A book or magazine;

2) One Mp3;

3) Crossword puzzle games + pen;

4) Sunscreen (Yes, take it with you. Don't just put it on before leaving home)

5) Beach towel;

6) A change of clothes to be able to take a dip at the end of the day and not have to get back soaked;

7) A deck of cards (does not take up space and can work);

8) Beach or ball rackets (if you like games);

 5 - Arriving at the beach, settle in, store your things in the shade and place the towel next to the sun hat.

- Consider healthy sun time. You shouldn't expose yourself directly to the sun between 10h30 and 16h, so at that time it is a good idea to get in the umbrella, crack something here and there, read a little or play a little game of cards. Between one dive and another, of course, to cool off!

- Go past the protector every hour or so whenever you dive.

Trust me I'm My Day At The Beach Will Be Perfect

My Day At The Beach 


6 - Think ahead of games to entertain yourself during the day:

If you go to the beach with children or animals, you know how difficult it is to keep them entertained all day. So thinking about games for them is very important. I know they love to be in the water but at least during digestion they should not. So there are a few beach games you can try:

1) Take shapes and build castles in the sand.

It's a simple joke, but kids love it and, by the way, dogs love to destroy them and make holes in their place! You will have a laugh!

My Day At The Beach

2) Make funny pictures by the sea.

Kids love to make "jumpsuits" especially on the beach, so an enjoyable activity together is to let them invent the strangest poses and capture the unique moments! The same goes for your group of friends, of course! Also, adults love to play !! Truth?!

3) Do a treasure hunt.

Set goals, for example, finding a large shell or finding a small shell, finding an entirely pink or a white shell, finding a crab. Another way you can play this game is to hide an object in the sand without the kids seeing it. And ask them to find him. This one also goes with the animals. Just in this case hide cookies, for example!

4) Take a ball and make several games, for example, football, volley, play Arabia, finally.

5) Draw sand games, for example, a target where you can hit with a pebble!

You will see that everyone will come home exhausted and with mega fun memories to share! Then tell me how it went!